Monday, August 4, 2014

Newspapers in the digital world, and John Kerry's failed ceasefire

If one does not have Facebook, Twitter, whatsapp etc. and only gets their news from the morning papers, he wouldn't have known of the whole drama about a kidnapped soldier with the name of "Hadar Goldin". 
Let me explain.
The whole terrible incident started Friday around 9:30 AM, 6-7 hours after the weekend newspapers went to the presses, therefore not only wasn't there anything about a kidnapping, but from the events it looked like the war is drawing to a close after all sides agreed to a 72 hour ceasefire (which we all know now was a terrible disaster. See below for more about the terrible decision that the ceasefire was). 

On Saturday there's no newspapers being printed.
In the middle of the night, Only 2 hours before the Sunday papers went to press, The IDF -Based on forensic evidence- declared the soldier Dead.
The results were that in the Friday paper there was no talk of any kidnapped soldier yet, and by Sunday morning some parts of the soldiers body were already found. 

 Hamas used the ceasefire as a cover to plan this deadly attack. And the ceasefire was a major failure for John Kerry for a few reasons. 1.Because of the hundreds of hours that he spent working to accomplish this ceasefire only to get bitten by Hamas 2 hours later. And that was already after getting openly rebuked in Israel by the countries top Journalists, right wing and even more so by the left wing journalists who openly chided him for siding with terrorist state Qatar and legitimizing all Hamas demands, not even recognizing Israel's essential security rights and demands.
  2. After Kerry told the French foreign minister that Bibi is a "Stubborn head that refuses to understand anything"  because he was angry at Netanyahu for not accepting his -what was essentially the Hamas- ceasefire proposal; he became a big fool when everyone realized that Hamas used him as a pawn to carry out their terrorist plans, and Netanyahu had his sweet revenge when he was able to to tell the US "Don't ever 'second guess me again' on Hamas".