Wednesday, December 31, 2014

The 2014 Gaza war revisited

As a part of my yearly End of the year review that I do on twitter, I have to mention the Gaza war that was in 2014. But since I have too much stuff to share, I'll have to put It on the blog instead. So here's my pick for interesting stuff from the 2014 Gaza war.
 1. The Israelis made some pretty creative videos with solutions to Gaza conflict 
 Or this video of how Hamas is bringing families together 
 2. Some came up with an idea to put a GoPro camera on the Iron dome missile. Or to put confetti on the missile that it should be a good show.
 3. The TV stations in Israel were busy with the war 24 hours a day, and of course sometimes they didn't have what to report. One TV station interviewed the person who... Made a "Iron dome cake". Seriously!
4. I was amazed by the kindness that the Jewish nation showed to the IDF soldiers and the unity that engulfed everyone. Here are a few examples: 1: when the Hamas rockets pummeled the south, lots of businesses suffered devastating financial losses. Israelis got together to help the south in some amazing ways
@Lahavharkov The most Israeli way to help IDF soldiers and businesses in the south - order falafel! 2. Thousands deluged the soldiers with mountains of food 7.
3: thousands turned out to pay respect for an American lone soldier who died in gaza. The story made waves all over the world and was a big Kiddush hashem.
The lone soldiers Amazing And Very Emotional Story 
4: when soldiers protected with their bodies a young child who didn't have time to run to shelter
‬‏ 5. Some miracle claims popped up during the war: 1: Israeli soldier's life saved by his own grenade.
2: the whole house was destroyed except for the Israeli flag.. Lol ‎‪,7340,L-4557378,00.html‬‏
‎‪ 6. The Palestinians tried their hand at some propaganda as they always do, mostly it didn't help much. The Israelis had quite some fun with them.
7. This fact >> As a result of Iron Dome, more Hamas rockets landed in Gaza than in built-up areas in Israel.
 8. The Israelis were quite pissed on Obama for handling the war in such a bungled manner, siding with Hamas against Israel, that -In this Channel2 online poll- 49% wanted to give Obama the Ebola virus for his 53rd birthday
 They were also pissed at the UN (duh..) for saying it cannot confirm the 3 missing teens were abducted
 9. 1. Now here's some videos that I liked. The Japanese protest in support of Israel
2. RT @AlanColmes: Dude In MSNBC’s Gaza B-Roll Doesn’t Give A Tenth Of A F*ck
3. Video of a deranged Palestinian running into range of fire -in midst of a battle between IDF and some Palestinians- with a big rocket model‬‏
4. This Egyptian TV presenter that screamed on Hamas

5. The video of MK Ahmad Tibi going wild in the Knesset
6. The soldier who made a video for his mother, supposedly from gaza, and then showed up at her doorstep surprise
7. This explanation for why Israel is attacking gaza
8. Some IDF soldiers were singing songs Comparing bibi to Arab MK Ahmad Tibi ‎‪
9. This Ice bucket challenge that had to end quickly because of a rocket siren
10. Very interesting and classified video of the Hamas infiltration into Israel
11. Iron dome shoots down Rocket at a wedding in Israel  
12. Some videos of buildings in gaza getting wiped out in a second ‎‪‬‏:
‎‪‬ ‎‪‬‏ ‎‪‬‏ ‎‪‬‏‬‏‬‏
13. Video of Soldiers dancing before entering gaza
14. Some videos that the IDF publicized
14. This video of the golani commander returning to the battlefield while still wounded
15. This Sad vid of funeral child eulogizing his father that fell in battle
16. The Israelis made a Children's Song that Helps Israeli Kids Deal with Bombing Alarms

To end the article on a humorous note. RT @Muqata: Overheard in Gaza: Hamas claims that 90% of their Kassam rockets managed to hit Iron Dome interceptor rockets. 

And heres a few photos of moments when the Red siren alarm sounded

Now some striking photos of buildings in Gaza getting hit by missiles 

Iron Dome at work

IDF Throwing leaflets over gaza warning residents to evacuate
Some more

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