Monday, December 28, 2015

2015, The year of the terrible iran deal

2015 will go down in history as the year that Iran conned all the world powers into a deal, that at the end of it we'll see Iran emerge as a state with nuclear weapons, and as a massive power player and the biggest terror sponsor in the Middle East.

Why is the Iran deal so bad? Lots of articles were written about this, I'll just bring a very few of them.


And before i go any further, you just have to read this editorial from the Washington post SLAMMING obama on iran

Obama was so desperate to make a deal with Iran, that he was willing to tolerate every bad behavior from Iran, if only that'll help him come closer to seal the deal.

Duh! Of course it wont delay the deal, that guy is desperate!
The president decided to just mix it all up. instead of holding iran to high standards, he did the opposite. deciding to let the iranians behavior slide thru, whilst holding Israel's feet to the fire instead.
The white house is going to focus on a tweet from an israeli ministers wife, but ignore statements of Iranian leaders themselves! Disgusting!!
No, he wont take their statements seriously, but he'll use it for gutter politics and cheap shots, comparing republicans to Irans hardliners.
This president is everything the iranians couldve asked for!
 Not only that, Iran's Rohani openly boasted that they charmed the world.

Why was Obama so desperate? Cuz the guy has no legacy for his term as president, everything he turned to went so wrong, so he decided that he has to make a legacy for himself. So what if it involves Iran getting a nuclear bomb? That'll only happen 15 years after he leaves office, and less people will tie him to this.

What im saying might be a bit harsh, but this administration is only concerned about the optics, how things will look.  As you can see from the fact that John Kerry blocked a meeting between Netanyahu and Abbas from happening, and all because he wasnt the one to organize it!!!
                                          Its all about the optics!

The Obama administration knew that if the public will know how bad of a deal they're getting, they would never agree to such a deal. (The number of people supporting the deal is in the tank now, just imagine how bad it wouldve been without the Obama admin deceiving everyone

Just one example of a blatant lie that Obama tried to feed to the public.
how will he get the public on his side? by telling them that there will be "anytime,anywhere" inspections. but what happens when the deal comes out and everyone sees that there is no "anytime, anywhere" clause in the deal? oh, He will lie again! that he never said that therell be 'anytime,anywhere" inspections. Chutzpah? no, Bald faced Liar!!

You know the situation is bad, when even the french are stricter than the US.

There were some people who compared it to the infamous deal that Bill Clinton announced with N. Korea, and which also saw the world getting conned into believing N Korea that they will not develop nuclear weapons. The results are that the world is now a much worse place as a result. The resemblance with Iran is striking!

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