Tuesday, January 31, 2017

How big is Donald Trump's Ego?

FACTS: Donald Trump had pretty small crowds at his inauguration. Way less than what Barack Obama had in 2009. This is not even a debatable topic, just look at the photos and you can see for yourself.
ANALYSIS: Donald Trump's ego is so fragile that he can't handle this fact. He in his mind is supposed to be the best, smartest person ever, and everyone is supposed to like him. So how does he deal with the fact that people just didn't wanna come to his inauguration event? He'll do some Trump fiction.
TRUMP FACTS (Alternative facts): He had much bigger crowds than Obama. He had the most people tuning in to an inauguration ever. Period. But what to do with all the evidence clearly showing otherwise? Oh, we'll start slamming the media and make them into a scapegoat, and make it as if they fabricated photos and evidence because they hate the leader, and like that people wont believe them anymore, and people might start to think that Donald trump actually did have a record crowd. This is the trump strategy in a nutshell.
Day 1: Inauguration Day. A sparsely attended event. Trump sees photos of his small crowds and becomes furious.
Day 2: Trump instructs his press secretary to go out to the press and blatantly lie to the American public, and slam the media for (accurately) reporting the crowd size.
2. Donald Trump goes to the CIA, and with the sacred wall behind him, launches into a full blown rant on the media that they aren't reporting his crowd sizes, and that he's a very smart person. Yes, our president goes in front of our men and women who give their lives for our country, and launches into a full blown crazy rant on the media and on how he had the biggest crowds ever. This is insane, he is so obsessed with having to be the greatest ever. He told the CIA agents how smart he is! This is disgusting behavior.
3. Donald Trump calls up the director of national parks and instructs him to find photos of his inauguration crowds that might show him having yuuuge crowds. The guy is sickly obsessed, and no one can stop him. We all remember how he promised to be the champion of the working class on day 1. I can only assume that the working class really is interested in how many people attended Donald trump's inauguration event, and that is why he is spending his days being busy with these stuff. http://wapo.st/2kyIcPp
 Day 6: Donald Trump gives an interview to ABC news, and again starts talking about his crowd at the inauguration, and of course launches into a tirade on how the media -his new villain- is just so fake, because they posted -accurate- photos of his crowds. He then goes further and launches into a petty tantrum on how he would've really win the popular vote if only https://t.co/gNA8oGy1Jy (Because we all know how beloved he is in America). If you ever wondered why his head is so big, know that it's his ego that inflated it. I am sure that the White working class men who voted for Trump are thrilled by the attention he keeps putting in on the issue of crowd sizes!

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