Tuesday, January 31, 2017

The White House lies to the American public, Today's edition:

The day started with a ludicrous tweet from Donald Trump that put the blame on his disastrously incompetent Muslim ban Executive order, on Deltas computers!
It was widely reported on the various missteps of how this executive order came by, but Donald toddler trump can never ever admit to doing anything wrong, so he went to blame a delta outage on the fact this his Muslim ban rollout was so chaotic. He then also blamed chuck schumers tears, saying that this brought the chaos in airports. I'm not sure how his tears could've been able to do that, but ok. On a side note: it's interesting that he didn't blame his usual punching bag -the media- this time.
Then came the White House press briefing, and there the lies started to flow.
1. Spicer got asked about the statement that the White House put out on holocaust Remembrance Day that omitted any mention of Jews. So he starts saying that the White House got widely praised for their statement.

This is such a blatant lie. The White House got condemned by every Jewish group out there for taking the same line as the neo nazis by denying that the holocaust specifically targeted Jews. So not only did this statement not got praised, but it got widely condemned. The only ones who did praise this statement, were actual neo nazis and the daily stormer.

And woe is on us if the White House defends itself by saying that the neo nazis praised them.
2. He then started lying that the bush administration also did not mention Jews in their statement. But a reporter instantly interrupted him and told him that in fact the bush administration DID mention anti Semitism in their statement. So he just ignored and instead launched into a tirade on those who demanded the white house to abide by historical facts and acknowledge what the holocaust was. https://t.co/fQwOkNoTJg
Think about this: Not only did the white house take the line of every anti semite out there by denying that the holocaust was specifically against the jews, but now theyre attacking those who insist on announcing the truth. Despicable! .
3. He then went on to rip the media for "falsely reporting" that Donald trump changed the makeup of the NSC, and brought up on the screens memos from the bush and Obama admins about the NSC. https://t.co/l35c0QO7Rd
But typical Spicer, this was another blatant lie. In fact Donald Trump did very much change the NSC.
There was no president that gave his chief advisor a regular seat at the NSC, but Donald Trump just gave that for alt righter Steve bannon, thereby playing politics with the nation's security. https://t.co/ez4Cdw3l0G
Donald Trump thinks that he will do anything he wants and than just blame the media for reporting on his autocracy. But we will not let him and his falsehoods fly by.

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