Tuesday, January 31, 2017

The White House lies to the American public, Today's edition:

The day started with a ludicrous tweet from Donald Trump that put the blame on his disastrously incompetent Muslim ban Executive order, on Deltas computers!
It was widely reported on the various missteps of how this executive order came by, but Donald toddler trump can never ever admit to doing anything wrong, so he went to blame a delta outage on the fact this his Muslim ban rollout was so chaotic. He then also blamed chuck schumers tears, saying that this brought the chaos in airports. I'm not sure how his tears could've been able to do that, but ok. On a side note: it's interesting that he didn't blame his usual punching bag -the media- this time.
Then came the White House press briefing, and there the lies started to flow.
1. Spicer got asked about the statement that the White House put out on holocaust Remembrance Day that omitted any mention of Jews. So he starts saying that the White House got widely praised for their statement.

This is such a blatant lie. The White House got condemned by every Jewish group out there for taking the same line as the neo nazis by denying that the holocaust specifically targeted Jews. So not only did this statement not got praised, but it got widely condemned. The only ones who did praise this statement, were actual neo nazis and the daily stormer.

And woe is on us if the White House defends itself by saying that the neo nazis praised them.
2. He then started lying that the bush administration also did not mention Jews in their statement. But a reporter instantly interrupted him and told him that in fact the bush administration DID mention anti Semitism in their statement. So he just ignored and instead launched into a tirade on those who demanded the white house to abide by historical facts and acknowledge what the holocaust was. https://t.co/fQwOkNoTJg
Think about this: Not only did the white house take the line of every anti semite out there by denying that the holocaust was specifically against the jews, but now theyre attacking those who insist on announcing the truth. Despicable! .
3. He then went on to rip the media for "falsely reporting" that Donald trump changed the makeup of the NSC, and brought up on the screens memos from the bush and Obama admins about the NSC. https://t.co/l35c0QO7Rd
But typical Spicer, this was another blatant lie. In fact Donald Trump did very much change the NSC.
There was no president that gave his chief advisor a regular seat at the NSC, but Donald Trump just gave that for alt righter Steve bannon, thereby playing politics with the nation's security. https://t.co/ez4Cdw3l0G
Donald Trump thinks that he will do anything he wants and than just blame the media for reporting on his autocracy. But we will not let him and his falsehoods fly by.

How big is Donald Trump's Ego?

FACTS: Donald Trump had pretty small crowds at his inauguration. Way less than what Barack Obama had in 2009. This is not even a debatable topic, just look at the photos and you can see for yourself.
ANALYSIS: Donald Trump's ego is so fragile that he can't handle this fact. He in his mind is supposed to be the best, smartest person ever, and everyone is supposed to like him. So how does he deal with the fact that people just didn't wanna come to his inauguration event? He'll do some Trump fiction.
TRUMP FACTS (Alternative facts): He had much bigger crowds than Obama. He had the most people tuning in to an inauguration ever. Period. But what to do with all the evidence clearly showing otherwise? Oh, we'll start slamming the media and make them into a scapegoat, and make it as if they fabricated photos and evidence because they hate the leader, and like that people wont believe them anymore, and people might start to think that Donald trump actually did have a record crowd. This is the trump strategy in a nutshell.
Day 1: Inauguration Day. A sparsely attended event. Trump sees photos of his small crowds and becomes furious.
Day 2: Trump instructs his press secretary to go out to the press and blatantly lie to the American public, and slam the media for (accurately) reporting the crowd size.
2. Donald Trump goes to the CIA, and with the sacred wall behind him, launches into a full blown rant on the media that they aren't reporting his crowd sizes, and that he's a very smart person. Yes, our president goes in front of our men and women who give their lives for our country, and launches into a full blown crazy rant on the media and on how he had the biggest crowds ever. This is insane, he is so obsessed with having to be the greatest ever. He told the CIA agents how smart he is! This is disgusting behavior.
3. Donald Trump calls up the director of national parks and instructs him to find photos of his inauguration crowds that might show him having yuuuge crowds. The guy is sickly obsessed, and no one can stop him. We all remember how he promised to be the champion of the working class on day 1. I can only assume that the working class really is interested in how many people attended Donald trump's inauguration event, and that is why he is spending his days being busy with these stuff. http://wapo.st/2kyIcPp
 Day 6: Donald Trump gives an interview to ABC news, and again starts talking about his crowd at the inauguration, and of course launches into a tirade on how the media -his new villain- is just so fake, because they posted -accurate- photos of his crowds. He then goes further and launches into a petty tantrum on how he would've really win the popular vote if only https://t.co/gNA8oGy1Jy (Because we all know how beloved he is in America). If you ever wondered why his head is so big, know that it's his ego that inflated it. I am sure that the White working class men who voted for Trump are thrilled by the attention he keeps putting in on the issue of crowd sizes!

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Narcissistic, Egomaniac Yellow Clown: Welcome to America 2017

Donald Trump was just sworn in as the 45th president of the United States. He's on top of the world. But he's not happy, why? Because his fragile ego needs to have the biggest crowds ever for an inauguration. But what to do if a majority of the American public hates you? Would you start trying to unite your country by being less divisive? No, not Donald trump! Instead, when little Donald saw on Television (this thing that he watches a whole day. Literally. As I've documented on my twitter feed relentlessly) photo comparisons of Obamas and his inaugurations, he became furious, so he decided to go on a full blown attack. He instructed his press secretary Spicer to go out in the White House press room and launch a blistering attack on the media for daring to share fully accurate photos of the inauguration

Yes, Donald Trump and his administration were busy on their very first day in the White House to argue with everyone about the fact that they had small inauguration crowds. For some reason i don't believe the American public elected him for that! Such pettiness. The guy who is the president of America is busy about how many people were at his festivities, his ego is so fragile, it is very scary!
But worse, Spicer just launched several blatant lies, attacked the media for just reporting the accurate non equivocal truth that trump had small crowds, attacking them as if they are lying. We know that Donald decided to go to war with the media, and Frankly it's pretty scary. Every dictator in history had a punching bag, because a dictator is always the best; but what to do if something in the country doesn't go well? You need to find someone to blame. And this is what Donald is doing. He's making himself out to be this figure that knows everything and does everything best. And when something wont go according to his will, he won't acknowledge that, but he'll just lie and say that it never happened and the people who dare say the truth will get attacked by him as "biased media", and most of his supporters will actually buy his crap!
It is embarrassing, as an American, to watch this briefing by Sean Spicer from the podium at the White House. Not the RNC. The White House.
— Bill Kristol (@BillKristol) January 21, 2017

Jake Tapper said it Best!
There's hundreds of photographic evidence that shows that Donald trump had a very poorly attended inauguration. Instead of admitting and moving on, like EVERY SINGLE ADULT in America would've done, instead he went on a tirade about how the media lies. No, the media didn't lie here. And I know it's hard for you Donald to grasp the fact that a majority of America hates you, and this will continue even more if you behavethe way you did this past week.
Then the guy goes to the CIA, and standing behind the sacred wall, launches into a rant on how he had the biggest crowds ever, and how biased the media is.
I mean come on, is there no respect in you for the men and women who sacrificed for outperform country? Are you not ashamed of yourself? Instead of talking about their sacrifices you have to make it about yourself? This is such a disgrace of a president !
http://www.nytimes.com/2017/01/24/opinion/the-shocking-affront-of-donald-trumps-cia-stunt.html?smprod=nytcore-iphone&smid=nytcore-iphone-share Fast forward to day 3 and little Donald is back at it again. This time telling people in congress that he would've won the popular vote if not for the millions of illegals. THIS IS BANANAS. The guy just can't let go. He's so busy with having to show everyone that he's the best and smartest, that he ends up being the most childish idiot ever.

And BTW, Trump's own lawyers argued in court last month (against efforts by Jill stein to recount the votes) that there is no evidence of ANY voter fraud.
So who is lying to the American people? The media or Donald Trump?

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Media Malpractice: 2015 Edition

The american public's confidence in the media reaches an all time low, and the reason is simple. You can't rely anymore that when the media brings you a story, it's written honestly and fairly. Unfortunately today, journalists sometimes look more like activists, and most of the time to the liberal side.

To compile in one blog post all the instances that the media sinned this year wouldn't turn out well. The blog post will be longer than the wall of china (which is a big fat and beautiful wall. Probably thanks to Mr. Trump). Therefore I'll just bring to your light a few of the instances that the media was caught with their Hands in the cookie jar.

That time when some emails leaked out that Mike Allen from politico tried to get an interview with Chelsea Clinton, and promised that he will go over with her all the questions in advance

And the chutzpah of the Washington post for reporting the event as 'Politico gave the GOP a 'liberal media talking point', instead of actually reporting the news as a straight forward terrible journalistic malpractice.
After the Politico emails, some more emails were leaked out, and this time showing how a CNN reporter colluded with Clinton aides into the way she should report some news. fxn.ws/1PajayN

And then some more emails from Hillary were released, and you could see there how influential they were on some reporters at the times.

The old grey lady disregarded lots of journalistic standards this year. They tried to bring down Marco Rubio by reporting how his wife got 13 speeding tickets, and framed it to say that Rubio and his wife got 17 speeding tickets in the past 20 years. They falsely reported that Rubio bought a luxury boat. And so on and on. My time will go to waste if I count out everything. So here's just a few examples of the NYT's dishonesty.

When they singled out the Jewish lawmakers, to try to give the perception that the only reason lawmakers opposed the Iran deal is because of their Jewishness. Disgusting is an understatement.

The hypocrisy of the times is stunning. Theyll go to the lengths of the earth not to offend Muslims, (by censoring any kind of bad stuff against Muhammad), but won't care about making a mockery of the pope, thereby offending thousands of Christians.
Are they just cowards and afraid of the Arabs? Makes sense. If you'll remember this infamous sky news report where the camera quickly turns away of showing the Charlie hebdo cartoon cover,  or the daily news that blurred out the Muhammad cartoon, but didn't blur out the offensive Jew picture,  you'll be forgiven to think that the media are just cowards, running scared of what will happen to them if they say a bad word on the Arabs, but knowing that the Jews and Christians won't do anything, making them into an easy target. Shame!
when they were happy to report that a new study shows that right wing extremists are more dangerous than terrorists. So what if doesn't match the facts. Who cares?

Lets see what some other media outlets have for us.

When gawker ran with this viral story of how Christie got kicked out of the quiet car, and how he was angry. Only for us to find out (via a passenger on the train), that the actual story doesn't even closely resemble the gawker story.

On a different story, but same with CBS. They can't just report the news as is, cuz that will be too damaging for Hillary Clinton. So what will they do? Frame it as a GOP issue, a critics thing, and like that no one will believe it anymore. Clever. Wicked.

When the "open-minded" Vox decided against hosting an article because it might imply opposition to abortion.  I guess in Vox open mind, all opposition is good, as long as it's my position.

When Bloomberg news shamelessly tweeted this, even tho the shooting had nothing of any kind with planned parenthood or with their opponents. But if maybe maybe someone will see the tweet, and make any resemblance with the shooting against the PP clinic (that was done by a right wing idiot who is against killing babies, but apparently not against killing adults), than all the dishonesty would be worth it.

That time when the media in america was obsessed with Cecil the lion, the obsession was so huge that one media outlet even ran a post on how the dentist who killed the lion donated to the romney campaign in 2012, because priorities.
BTW, The media obsession was so insane that even Zimbabweans didnt understand why america is making such a fuss out of it, and one Zimbabwean wrote this scathing oped to the times.

This Parody tweet of Salon speaks for itself!

But i saved the best for last. the infamous crazy Melissa harris perry, who is still employed by MSNBC. (Whoever thinks of a reason for why, should please post it in the comments section). this women provides fodder for the entire blogsphere to cover. i tried very hard to pick out the most outlandish stuff she said the past year. it was very hard, but i found a winner.

As known, the woman is obsessed with race issues, seeing race in even in her daily cereal bowl.

After reading all these above examples of media bias,

Monday, December 28, 2015

2015, The year of the terrible iran deal

2015 will go down in history as the year that Iran conned all the world powers into a deal, that at the end of it we'll see Iran emerge as a state with nuclear weapons, and as a massive power player and the biggest terror sponsor in the Middle East.

Why is the Iran deal so bad? Lots of articles were written about this, I'll just bring a very few of them.


And before i go any further, you just have to read this editorial from the Washington post SLAMMING obama on iran

Obama was so desperate to make a deal with Iran, that he was willing to tolerate every bad behavior from Iran, if only that'll help him come closer to seal the deal.

Duh! Of course it wont delay the deal, that guy is desperate!
The president decided to just mix it all up. instead of holding iran to high standards, he did the opposite. deciding to let the iranians behavior slide thru, whilst holding Israel's feet to the fire instead.
The white house is going to focus on a tweet from an israeli ministers wife, but ignore statements of Iranian leaders themselves! Disgusting!!
No, he wont take their statements seriously, but he'll use it for gutter politics and cheap shots, comparing republicans to Irans hardliners.
This president is everything the iranians couldve asked for!
 Not only that, Iran's Rohani openly boasted that they charmed the world.

Why was Obama so desperate? Cuz the guy has no legacy for his term as president, everything he turned to went so wrong, so he decided that he has to make a legacy for himself. So what if it involves Iran getting a nuclear bomb? That'll only happen 15 years after he leaves office, and less people will tie him to this.

What im saying might be a bit harsh, but this administration is only concerned about the optics, how things will look.  As you can see from the fact that John Kerry blocked a meeting between Netanyahu and Abbas from happening, and all because he wasnt the one to organize it!!! http://www.haaretz.com/news/diplomacy-defense/.premium-1.677690?v=735EB2F91F1E27000088C1373339C8EF
                                          Its all about the optics!

The Obama administration knew that if the public will know how bad of a deal they're getting, they would never agree to such a deal. (The number of people supporting the deal is in the tank now, just imagine how bad it wouldve been without the Obama admin deceiving everyone

Just one example of a blatant lie that Obama tried to feed to the public.
how will he get the public on his side? by telling them that there will be "anytime,anywhere" inspections. but what happens when the deal comes out and everyone sees that there is no "anytime, anywhere" clause in the deal? oh, He will lie again! that he never said that therell be 'anytime,anywhere" inspections. Chutzpah? no, Bald faced Liar!!

You know the situation is bad, when even the french are stricter than the US.

There were some people who compared it to the infamous deal that Bill Clinton announced with N. Korea, and which also saw the world getting conned into believing N Korea that they will not develop nuclear weapons. The results are that the world is now a much worse place as a result. The resemblance with Iran is striking!

The Obama bias and the media bias... Against Israel

I've always resisted the notion that some tried to claim that president Obama hates Israel, and is an anti-semite. Unfortunately it's getting harder to resist that.
For the past 2 weeks Palestinians are running wild on the streets of Israel, stabbing people to death, car ramming into people, shooting Molotov cocktails, and much more.
Now, (unfortunately) I wasn't surprised by how the media covered the violence. The media is rotten, (more about their coverage, below). But from the United States, the state department, and the Secretary of State I expected much better.

onto the words of the state department spokesman John Kirby:
“Individuals on both sides of this divide—have proven capable of, and in our view, are guilty of acts of terrorism,” "Both sides".

Ah, did anyone hear of any Israeli that stabbed a Palestinian to death the past month? It never happened. But tens of Palestinians did so to Israeli citizens. But as per the Obama administration both sides are guilty of terrorism. Wow!

Kirby also said the administration has obtained “credible reports” of Israelis using excessive force as it deals with a rash of terrorist murders carried out by Palestinians seeking to cause havoc and spark an intifada. Aha, So now the administration is accusing Israel of using excessive force, By... killing the Palestinians who come to kill them. SICK. (BTW, Bibi responded like a champion)

Let's continue: last week a 13 year old Palestinian took a knife and went on a stabbing spree, seriously injuring a 13y/o Israeli boy. Police shot the Palestinian and neutralized him. A few days later, the head of the PA gave a speech. In that speech he presented a whole different story. He claimed that the 13 year old Palestinian never had a knife in his hand, and that Israel executed him in cold blood.  
Nowadays when everything gets recorded, it didn't take too long, and the Israeli police gave out CCTV footage where you can see the Palestinian boy running with a knife http://youtube.com/watch?v=aCuoKy-sCTE. Than they distributed out pictures of the terrorist in his hospital bed, and pictures of how he's getting spoon fed. (Yes, with money from the taxpayers he wanted to kill). 
In short: Mahmoud Abbas stood up on tv, flat out lied, and incited his people to kill more Israelis.

What did America say: NOTHING!

A week later Obama at a press conference said this: "We also believe that it's important for both [Israeli] Prime Minister [Benjamin] Netanyahu and Israeli elected officials and [Palestinian] President [Mahmoud] Abbas and other people in positions of power to try to tamp down rhetoric that may feed violence or anger or misunderstanding." http://fxn.ws/1Pn6dRV
 Sickening! Bibi Netanyahu did not incite anyone, did not lie in his speeches to make anyone go kill people. Mahmoud Abbas did

But Barack Obama won't condemn Abbas. He'll just equate both in blaming them for violence.

the next statement is mind boggling and blood curling, i wouldve never believed that we'll hear such words from an american official.
STUNNING: not only aren't the Palestinians at fault for killing innocent people, but he is blaming the victims!

(As a sidenote. John Kerry is going to the Middle East to try to sit together bibi Netanyahu with mohmoud Abbas. Kerry might be very frustrated with his lack of progress there, and that might make him stab a few people. Beware, you were warned!)

Speaking about John Kerry: it is no surprise to me that Kerry should say such things. After all we're talking about a person who literally blocked a meeting between the Israeli PM and the head of the PA from happening, and all... Because he wasn't the one who was arranging it http://www.haaretz.com/news/diplomacy-defense/.premium-1.677690.
 In short, he'd rather that there not be peace, than that it should be, but someone else should take credit for it. Shocking, I know.

So for John Kerry to spin such tragedies in order to take out some political advantages, by being able to blame the Israeli settlements, is just part of the core. (even if the claims aren't true. The facts are that the last few years there are less settlements getting built than before. But please don't disturb Kerry with the truths.)

As for Obama himself. It's hard for me to say that Obama is an antisemite, id much rather say that his feud with bibi is taking him to do things that he shouldn't. But as leader of the free world, it's time for him to stop. He's heading very much into a danger zone, actually rewarding terrorists for their behavior.

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

The 2014 Gaza war revisited

As a part of my yearly End of the year review that I do on twitter, I have to mention the Gaza war that was in 2014. But since I have too much stuff to share, I'll have to put It on the blog instead. So here's my pick for interesting stuff from the 2014 Gaza war.
 1. The Israelis made some pretty creative videos with solutions to Gaza conflict http://bit.ly/1qUTVR2 
 Or this video of how Hamas is bringing families together 
 2. Some came up with an idea to put a GoPro camera on the Iron dome missile. Or to put confetti on the missile that it should be a good show.
 3. The TV stations in Israel were busy with the war 24 hours a day, and of course sometimes they didn't have what to report. One TV station interviewed the person who... Made a "Iron dome cake". Seriously!
4. I was amazed by the kindness that the Jewish nation showed to the IDF soldiers and the unity that engulfed everyone. Here are a few examples: 1: when the Hamas rockets pummeled the south, lots of businesses suffered devastating financial losses. Israelis got together to help the south in some amazing ways
@Lahavharkov The most Israeli way to help IDF soldiers and businesses in the south - order falafel! http://www.babetov.co.il/deal.asp?cookie=yes&shop=5142 2. Thousands deluged the soldiers with mountains of food 7.
3: thousands turned out to pay respect for an American lone soldier who died in gaza. The story made waves all over the world and was a big Kiddush hashem.  http://www.mako.co.il/news-israel/local/Article-c7a32e9b3ba5741004.htm
The lone soldiers Amazing And Very Emotional Story http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/worldviews/wp/2014/07/21/mother-of-max-steinberg-an-american-killed-fighting-hamas-tells-his-story/ 
4: when soldiers protected with their bodies a young child who didn't have time to run to shelter http://bit.ly/1mK56wZ
‬‏ 5. Some miracle claims popped up during the war: 1: Israeli soldier's life saved by his own grenade. http://www.mako.co.il/news-military/security/Article-37532fa9de76741004.htm?Partner=rss
2: the whole house was destroyed except for the Israeli flag.. Lol ‎‪http://www.ynet.co.il/articles/0,7340,L-4557378,00.html‬‏
‎‪ 6. The Palestinians tried their hand at some propaganda as they always do, mostly it didn't help much. The Israelis had quite some fun with them.
7. This fact >> As a result of Iron Dome, more Hamas rockets landed in Gaza than in built-up areas in Israel.
 8. The Israelis were quite pissed on Obama for handling the war in such a bungled manner, siding with Hamas against Israel, that -In this Channel2 online poll- 49% wanted to give Obama the Ebola virus for his 53rd birthday
 They were also pissed at the UN (duh..) for saying it cannot confirm the 3 missing teens were abducted http://www.foxnews.com/world/2014/06/20/israel-rips-un-for-saying-it-cannot-confirm-3-missing-teens-were-abducted/?cmpid=cmty_twitter_fn
 9. 1. Now here's some videos that I liked. The Japanese protest in support of Israel http://fb.me/2y7C81G6j
2. RT @AlanColmes: Dude In MSNBC’s Gaza B-Roll Doesn’t Give A Tenth Of A F*ck https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ah6XVlo2zJw
3. Video of a deranged Palestinian running into range of fire -in midst of a battle between IDF and some Palestinians- with a big rocket model https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=811056305603458&fref=nf‬‏
4. This Egyptian TV presenter that screamed on Hamas

5. The video of MK Ahmad Tibi going wild in the Knesset  http://jpupdates.com/2014/07/03/video-ahmand-tibi-goes-wild-knesset-speaker/
6. The soldier who made a video for his mother, supposedly from gaza, and then showed up at her doorstep surprise http://www.mako.co.il/news-israel/local/Article-46e94234e95a741004.htm
7. This explanation for why Israel is attacking gaza
8. Some IDF soldiers were singing songs Comparing bibi to Arab MK Ahmad Tibi ‎‪http://youtu.be/v2qoN2j12iU
9. This Ice bucket challenge that had to end quickly because of a rocket siren http://t.co/IcscZCtFTN
10. Very interesting and classified video of the Hamas infiltration into Israel
11. Iron dome shoots down Rocket at a wedding in Israel  
12. Some videos of buildings in gaza getting wiped out in a second ‎‪https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=701432389941480&set=vb.100002241759865&type=2&theater‬‏:
‎‪https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q1KMtW6bxAI‬ ‎‪https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=714392851930126‬‏ ‎‪‬‏ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B-a7Lkcrsv0 http://bbc.in/1nVufVr  https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=910416752305627 ‎‪https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=707816715961899‬‏  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZCzA49XabyY#t=40‬‏ https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=358901484235130&set=vb.220193584772588&type=3&theater‬‏ https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=Z-ZkqOU27Ok https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LjRcVhWPxOg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DzEqwP0bSqQ
13. Video of Soldiers dancing before entering gaza
14. Some videos that the IDF publicized
http://youtu.be/bXMUJQwQqSc http://youtu.be/VWpwMYxyWJc http://youtu.be/KAbLE640l9o
14. This video of the golani commander returning to the battlefield while still wounded http://youtu.be/kZr6Lb5qwe4
15. This Sad vid of funeral child eulogizing his father that fell in battle
16. The Israelis made a Children's Song that Helps Israeli Kids Deal with Bombing Alarms http://bit.ly/WcOh3U

To end the article on a humorous note. RT @Muqata: Overheard in Gaza: Hamas claims that 90% of their Kassam rockets managed to hit Iron Dome interceptor rockets. 

And heres a few photos of moments when the Red siren alarm sounded

Now some striking photos of buildings in Gaza getting hit by missiles 

Iron Dome at work

IDF Throwing leaflets over gaza warning residents to evacuate
Some more